● Week 1:
Idea construction: visited Whitney Museum of American Art and inspired by artworks of Casey Reas
● Week 2:
Proposal construction: Data Mirror
Suggestion from class discussion: combine Data Mirror with identity identification (through hair color, skin color, eye color if possible)
● Week 3:
Timeline construction: organize my ideas and combine my proposal with comments from week 2 discussion
Research about how to use OpenCV to visualize the sense that being captured
● Week 4:
Solve the problem of using OpenCV to imitate the vision of machine when observing human beings
Borrow materials that may need for projecting my project
● Week 5:
Try Project the current project to a wall
Adjust the frame size, color, and texture that being transformed by the computer
● Week 6:
Research about color identification
Add in to the project
● Week 7:
Adjust color identification
Borrow the materials that need for projection
● Week 8:
Project the current project to a wall
Adjust the color identification and see what needs to be changed
● Week 9:
Research about texture identification
Try to combine color identification with texture identification
Week 10:
Adjust the project and try to project it
Week 11:
Week 12:
Changing the captured scenes into color lump and then have pixy detect the color lump will make the detection easier
avoid mistaken detection and avoid people moving around and leads to detection on wrong object eg: teeth lip eye
Week 13:
Having the print-out text in serial monitor print out on the main screen
Week 14:
Adding Sound (will not be original, think about find a sound from black mirror)
Adjust the project with projector at home
Adjust the RGB, size of the main screen, camera distance, etc.
Week 15:
Adding small elements to make the project more sci-fi
Week 18:
Final Presentation and video recording
Week 19:
Reflection and make documentary film
Week 20:
Add to my portfolio